7 Secrets to Winning


A Winning Routine for High Performers

Life is busy for all of us. I have 2 kids in middle school, a busy wife who works a ton of hours, and I personally never slow down. For my sanity, and for my family to function, I have to follow a cadence to my day. 

Having a plan is even more important with the world in chaos. The reasoning may be different, but the need is imperative. Our lives are turned upside down, and we are stuck at home, so keeping as normal as possible is critical to our sanity.

Prepare for the Next Day

My daily regimen actually begins the night before. I take a look at my calendar and prepare for the next day. I ensure I know what meetings I have tomorrow and confirm I sent an agenda for each meeting and that I am prepared to make my meetings as productive as possible for all involved. I then sync with my wife so that we can be sure that our kids are covered for whatever activities they have along, with any evening activities we have to plan for. This is all crucial for my sanity, even if doing so can feel overwhelming in the moment.

Train the Brain

In the morning I wake up and prepare to train. Before I workout my body, I like to train my brain. I get my supplements together, sit down, drink my shake, and use Lumosity for brain training exercises. I believe this effort is as important as training your body. 

Plan Your Workout

At the gym I have a plan. I know what my goals are that day based on what else is going on. For example, if I have a soccer game that night, I am training differently in order to make sure I have the right amount of energy and focus for the game. Towards the end of my workout I typically cool down with some cardiovascular work. During this time, I like to catch up on my emails, so that I am not overwhelmed once I sit down at my desk. I flag what's important and push aside the emails that can wait. I also like to listen to the Calm app during this time in order to stay in the right frame of mind and not let the crazy schedule I am about to face get to me. 

Fuel the Body

In terms of eating, I try to eat at the same time every day. This way my body gets on a schedule. It keeps me from snacking outside of my normal plan. If I do need a snack, I keep healthy options close by. I travel a decent amount, and that can make things a bit more challenging. I pack healthy options and have some neat travel gear to organize my supplements. With that being said, I do still like to go to my favorite restaurants when I’m on the road. My friends know me as a person who has a go-to restaurant or bar in every city. I am asked for advice a lot when friends are traveling. While I like to be healthy, I also deserve to treat myself, and I don’t feel bad about it as enjoying life is important. If I know I am going to be traveling, I try to be a little extra healthy in the days leading up to the trip.

Get Up and Move

Throughout the day, I make an effort to get up from my chair at least once an hour. When on a conference call, I will walk around. Sometimes, I am lucky enough to be able to walk my dog outside during certain calls. I am very lucky to have this flexibility. There is always a way to get up and move, and it is important to force yourself to do so, both mentally and physically. 

Family Time or Self-Reflection

Most evenings are spent shuffling the kids to their activities. While sitting down to a family dinner is rare, we always try to have a healthy dinner ready for when we can eat, even if it is in shifts. I am lucky that my kids enjoy fish, vegetables, and other healthy options. It is just difficult sometimes to wrangle them down to eat. If you don’t have a wife and kids, make sure you squeeze in time for yourself and friends.

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is also critical. Did you know that people who sleep well have a healthier body weight and are more productive? On the flip side, poor sleep increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and depression. It is just as important to make time for a good night’s sleep as it is for a workout or a healthy meal. I recommend putting down your phone an hour before bedtime, as it will help.

Whatever your day looks like, I strongly advise you to find a routine that works for you. I know that it helps me maximize my day in terms of fitness, work, and family. It also helps to greatly reduce my stress. Prioritize what is important, focus on what is in front of you, and do your best. If you can do those 3 things, that is a WIN!

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